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Live Sammamish

The Housing Element, or "Live Sammamish" addresses the preservation, improvement, and development of housing, identifies land to accommodate different housing types, and makes provisions for the existing and projected housing needs of all economic segments of the community. Sammamish’s housing element ensures that there will be enough housing to accommodate expected growth in the city, and the variety of housing necessary to accommodate a range of income levels, ages and special needs. At the same time, the element seeks to preserve existing neighborhood character by including policies that will keep new development compatible.


About the Housing Action Plan


In early 2022, the City of Sammamish was awarded a Housing Action Plan and Implementation (HAPI) Grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce.


Working closely with A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH) and a consultant to meet the grant's objectives, the City developed and adopted a Housing Diversification Toolkit focused on expanding missing middle and affordable housing opportunities, housing located near services and transportation routes, and addressing conflicting market demand.


The Housing Diversification Toolkit serves as background information to help guide updates to the Comprehensive Plan’s Housing Element and helps the City be responsive to regional and statewide policies and requirements like the King County Countywide Planning Policies, VISION 2050, and the Washington State Growth Management Act.


View the Housing Diversification Toolkit


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