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Sustain Sammamish

The Environment & Conservation Element, or "Sustain Sammamish," addresses numerous sustainability and healthy community goals and policies, including air quality, water quality, climate change, tree, cover and sustainable development practices. This element also addresses public safety and the health of ecological functions. Recognizing that a substantial portion of the City is located in a steep slope area, goals and policies seek to protect people from natural dangers, including geologic hazards. Other portions of the city contain wetland areas, which are important for the storing and cleaning of surface water and for habitat values. Goals and policies seek to protect and restore these valuable wetland areas.


The Washington Department of Commerce has initiated a multiyear project to guide counties and cities towards addressing climate change issues with their comprehensive plans. Sammamish was one of several cities to receive a Climate Grant to aid in this effort, with a focus on reduction of Green House Gases and Vehicle Miles Traveled. The City has begun the process of creating a Climate Action Plan, which will inform strategies in the Comprehensive Plan Update. Stay tuned for project updates and opportunities to get involved.


Please see the City's project page for the Climate Action Plan and the Green House Gases and Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduction Strategy.

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